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  • Home
  • Car Insurance

More than a car insurance

Breakdown Assistance

We assist you from 0 Km, 24 hours a day with a punctuality commitment: if the tow truck takes more than 1 hour, we will give you 100€ free

Annual Vehicle Safety Check

We will check the most important aspects of your car to guarantee the security of your car, completely free of charge

Loyalty Card Benefits

Take advantage of exclusive discounts in fuel, MOT, Midas garages, leisure, travel, and much more!

Types of Car Insurance Coverage

Tabla comparadora de seguros de landingCarInsurances
  Third-Party Basic Third-Party Plus Comprehensive with Deductible Full Comprehensive
Liability Insurance
Liability Insurance
Passenger Injury Coverage
Passenger Injury Coverage
Roadside / Breakdown Assistance
Roadside / Breakdown Assistance
Legal Defense and Claims Assistance
Legal Defense and Claims Assistance
Glass/Windscreen Coverage
Glass/Windscreen Coverage
No incluido
Theft Coverage
Theft Coverage
No incluido
No incluido

Included (from €200 deductible)

Included (from €200 deductible)

Fire Coverage
Fire Coverage
No incluido
No incluido

Included in Plus Package

Included in Plus Package

Vehicle Damage Coverage
Vehicle Damage Coverage
No incluido
No incluido

Included in Plus Package

Included in Plus Package

Replacement Vehicle / Courtesy Car
Replacement Vehicle / Courtesy Car
No incluido
No incluido

Included in Total Mobility

Included in Plus & Total Mobility

Transport for Vehicle Inspection
Transport for Vehicle Inspection
No incluido
No incluido

Included in Plus Package

Included in Plus Package

Extended Roadside/Breakdown Assistance
Extended Roadside/Breakdown Assistance
No incluido
No incluido

Included in Plus Package

Included in Plus Package

Medical and License Renewal Services
Medical and License Renewal Services
No incluido
No incluido

Included in Plus Package

Included in Plus Package

Family Legal Assistance
Family Legal Assistance
No incluido
No incluido

Included in Plus Package

Included in Plus Package

Annual Vehicle Safety Check
Annual Vehicle Safety Check
License Points Recovery
License Points Recovery
Flat Tire/Puncture Repair
Flat Tire/Puncture Repair
Vehicle Replacement Service
Vehicle Replacement Service
Fines Management Assistance
Fines Management Assistance
Fuel and Travel Discounts
Fuel and Travel Discounts
Loyalty Card Benefits
Loyalty Card Benefits
The table shows the maximum coverage and services that your insurance policy may include. Coverage and services subject to contract regulations. Consult the conditions of the services.

Find out which car insurance is the best for you

At Mutua, we offer you different types of car insurance to choose from to select the
insurance that best fits your needs. Therefore, we give you some recommendations so you
can choose the best car insurance for you:
  • If you are looking for the basic insurance to get the cheapest price, the package Third-Party Basic is perfect for you. With this car insurance you will have the main convers, such as roadside assistance, mandatory and voluntary civil liability, legal support and damage claims.
  • If the road assistance is important for you, but you don't want to spend too much money, with our Third-Party Basic insurance you will receive a punctuality commitment to arrive within a maximum period of one hour from the request.
  • If you are 18 years old and you just got your driving license, you can apply for a cheap car insurance with the main covers with Third-Party Basic.
  • If you are looking for cheap car insurance for an old car, our insurance Third-Party Basic offers you an annual security review of your car as well as repairing wheel punctures. All completely for free.
  • If, apart from the basic covers, you also want to cover other important elements for your car such as windows, fire, and theft protection, our car insurance Third-Party Plus offers you a very competitive price, but the important coverage added.
  • If you just want to focus on enjoying your driving without any worries, we strongly recommend our car insurance Full Comprehensive (comprehensive coverage). With this car insurance you will take advantage of all our main covers and services.

What affects the price of your car insurance?

  • What kind of driver are you? 
    The age and years of experience of the driver can affect the price of the insurance. But if someone is going to drive your car occasionally and has more than 7 years of license, you don't need to tell us, Mutua will cover them just like you!
  • Type of insurance
    Depending on the coverage you choose for your car insurance, the price will vary. If you add some optional covers to your car insurance, the price might also go up.
  • Car Characteristics
    Here it will take into account elements such as the weight of the car, the horsepower, number of doors or when the car was registered. It is also important to know where you will park your car and how much often you will drive it.
  • Where do you live?
    If you are living in a place where there is a lot of rain, the meteorological conditions are very severe or it is a place where the population is really high, those can also influence the price of your car insurance.

What does the All Risks insurance cover?


Coche icono sonrisa

How to insure your car in Spain?

  • You must have all the documentation relating to the vehicle in order, including the Spanish Driving Licence. Once you have done this, contact us and we will help you find the insurance that best suits your needs.

Can Mutua Madrileña insure my foreign car in Spain?

  • At Mutua Madrileña we do not insure vehicles with foreign number plates. According to the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety, you must re-register it with a Spanish number plate and comply with the requirements that the regulati

What requirements must I meet to take out car insurance in Spain?

  • The two main requirements to apply for a car insurance are: your vehicle must have a Spanish number plate and a Spanish identity card: for example, Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI), Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) or Código de Identificación

Advantages of the Mutua

Regardless of your choice, you should know that just for getting car insurance with la Mutua, you will get all the benefits from our card ‘Soy’. Thanks to this card, you will get premium discounts in shows, driving schools, fuel (as long as the fuel is from tank stations such as Repsol, Campsa and Petronor), hotels, travel agencies, funfairs and restaurants. This is just a small summary of all the benefits that you can find with la Mutua.

Expertise within 24 hours

Payment within 3 months without interest

Legal Defense and Claims Assistance

Why should you choose la Mutua?

We have many reasons why you should choose us:

Mutua is the No. 1 insurer in the auto sector and the most solvent in Europe.

We have more than 90 years of experience.

Just for having your insurance with Mutua, you will have all the advantages of the SOY card.

Discounts and exclusive services in leisure, fuel and everything you need for your car.

Do I need car insurance in Spain?

If the car has a foreign number plate and circulates in Spain, take into consideration these two scenarios:

  1. If you have your habitual residence abroad and you are spending a few days in Spain for holidays, work or studies, you can drive your car with a foreign number plate without having to change it for a Spanish number plate, as long as you have a Spanish number plate:

    1. - Do not stay more than six months in Spain.
    2. - Even if you are staying for more than six months for work, show that your stay is temporary.
    3. - If you are a foreign student, you must prove that you can stay because you are enrolled in an educational center in Spain.

    If one of the above applies to you, check the particular terms and conditions of your policy before you travel, as insurance companies may use different rules depending on the country. Thus, insurance may have limitations according to time (e.g. up to 30 days abroad) or remoteness (e.g. up to 150 km from the border of the country of origin).

  2. If your habitual residence is in Spain and you have bought a car abroad and it has foreign number plates, or if you have moved to live permanently in Spain and you bring your car with foreign number plates.

    In this case, you will be obliged to insure your car in Spain and you will have to change the foreign number plate to a Spanish one.

Do I need insurance for my rental car?

Insurance is usually included in the standard coverage of all rental vehicles. It is advisable to confirm this with the rental company.

Can I insure my car in Spain if I have a foreign driving license?

Depending on the country, the requirements for driving in Spain may vary. Check your case on this link to the website of the Dirección General de Tráfico.

Driving with a foreign driving license 

What is an insurance franchise?

The excess is the amount that you would pay to repair your own damage to your vehicle when you have been at fault in an accident or when there is no other party at fault. The advantage is that the amount of the premium is reduced.

Excesses have nothing to do with coverages, insofar as they do not affect them.

Example: comprehensive insurance and comprehensive insurance with an excess of €200 are two products that include exactly the same guarantees. However, the insurance with excess means paying a lower amount. However, if you make a claim with or without fault, you will have to participate in the repair of your own damage with the first €200, the rest being assumed by the insurer.

How to make a damage report in Spain?

It is very quick and easy. Access your Personal Area or the MutuaMás App and complete the report including when, where and what happened. You can also add photos of the data and follow the progress of the repair process.

You will also be able to contact us via WhatsApp for the most common parts.

Please notice the following:

  • If third parties are involved, it is important that you inform us as soon as possible within the first 7 days.
  • If you have signed the Amicable Accident Declaration form, please attach it at the time of the declaration to speed up the claim.
  • When the emergency services (SAMUR, Guardia Civil, etc.) have intervened, indicate this in the declaration.
  • If you have had an accident abroad, call +34 91 557 82 05 and we will provide you with the necessary assistance in accordance with the coverage contracted.
  • Choose the garage you want. Mutua's experts visit the authorized workshops on a daily basis, so you will benefit from a better service and faster processing. Find the workshop that suits you best.

What documentation you will need to submit:

  • In the case of theft and fire reports, the corresponding report must be attached.
  • For the reimbursement of emergency repairs already carried out, such as mirrors, lights or glass, you can attach the repair invoice at the time of the declaration or later by accessing your Personal Area.

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